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Motivation Article: All of us

if we're doing any activity for example, we're a student who is doing sports activities, certainly asked to perform strenuous physical activity. For example, we are currently still doing physical activity is always complaining tired. Commented to the teacher pengampu .. taking advance lethargic.

1. Do not Complain
It reflects us to ourselves each of us not to complain when doing activities, although it was for the original exhausting ourselves, make sure we do it wholeheartedly. Let us not complain to anyone, let alone complain to the teacher pengampu. Let us imagine how hard an athlete doing exercise activities in the field are so heavy, and they do not complain, because what is good and should we field a tenacious will to fruition.

2. Mental
someone who wants to do things / activities that are useful and good for myself and others like exercising. Suppose we do Sports Football, there are two teams with different body postures such as the one contained a posture that has small compared to one of the opposing team who has great posture, it is not affecting us the posture of everyone. And more likely to posture moderate / minor even more have the opportunity to balance and even won the match. Because it is caused by a person mentally, if the little guy is mentally better than people who have a mental posture bigger then nothing is impossible if the person has a smaller stature it will win. So also must have a mental high to gain the best results.

3. Trying With Persistent
If we try to be persistent for sure we will see maximum results even we have to strive for a better future. If today is still unsatisfactory sure tomorrow will be better than it is now the most important thing we've been trying so hard to do their best.

4. Morale
Also affect our morale to get maximum results, we have high morale semnagat came or started from ourselves as well. Useless if we have a good personal but not diseimbangi with semngat high fighting spirit. Surely the results would not be maximal.
So from that Begin by applying One of the positive things that each one of us.

Success in the Future that determines is ourselves, we have the same potential to get the brightness in the future. Every person has the right to succeed tomorrow. Mulalilah to apply and become a better person from now on.

Greetings I am,

Fajar Alif R


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